Campaign Poster for DocSoc Webmaster

Vote Abhinav For
DocSoc Webmaster 2025

Building the Future of DocSoc's Digital Presence

More Campaign Information Coming Soon...

Restore DocSoc Website

Rebuilding the DocSoc website up with modern designs and user-centric features including a clear timeline of DocSoc's events and ticket releases!

Upgrade ICHack Website

Enhancing the hacker and organiser experience with the ICHack website to allow for smoother event management. Thoroughly testing the website to eliminate last minute errors.

Maintain Web Presence

Ensuring that the DocSoc websites are up-to-date and secure, with regular updates and maintenance to keep the society running smoothly.

Open Collaboration

Fostering a community of students to contribute your ideas and insights to DocSoc projects

Ready to Transform DocSoc's Web Presence?

Vote Now